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  1. B

    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @down325442 I would recommend getting blood work so you know what’s going on, it’s definitely not normal and everyone’s process is different so I wouldn’t like to comment on that
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    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @dawn16 I’m really working towards that goal :)
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    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @intermediary I know, no worries, everyone is different so the way your team worked w you was catered to you, I’m happy I got help and even with one day of eating more, ONE DAY, I started to feel better, I even got more steps in without even noticing and normally at work I’m always sitting on...
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    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    I F(22) been on my fitness journey for a while, always lifting weights, always doing cardio, always under eating. I have some hormonal issues now because of the way that I’ve been eating so i decided to hire a coach and a nutritionist bedsides from my doctor that is helping me w the hormonal...