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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @sabrina_ Yea let's be honest, you're just kicking my ass in the gym!
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @sabrina_ Good stuff! Thanks :) Now can I have your metabolism?
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @jeff4607 Ack I miss cottage cheese! I had to give up dairy for reasons unrelated to this post and it has NOT helped the food/sleep problem... dairy is definitely good for sleep.
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @woman2blame Thanks for your thoughts! I've never noticed any acid reflux issues at bed time related to the timing of my meals unless there is alcohol involved, which isn't an issue most of the time. So unless I'm completely unaware of the symptoms somehow, I don't think this has come up (pun...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @foley33 This is a really good point because I do the exact same thing you do in response to "sleep anxiety." The funny thing is I've been sleeping GREAT lately which is what prompted this post. Like I mentioned in some of my previous replies, I've been thinking about losing a couple pounds for...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @tomvalois No need to apologize. I just wanted to be clear that I was not food/hunger shaming you in ANY way. I'm sorry you're going through this. I've dealt with severe insomnia in the past (slept 2-3 hours every night for the entirety of 2012, almost completely lost my mind) so I can...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @tomvalois I did not say you "don't deserve to eat" in any capacity. Obviously I wasn't aware of the details of your situation prior to this reply. I was only speaking to my own experience waking up, sometimes hungry, sometimes not, and my brain deciding that eating something was the only way to...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @tomvalois This used to happen to me frequently. Unless I had a reason to be hungry (i.e. didn't eat my cals late enough like I described above), I found that it was mostly mental and if I had a small cup of almond milk or a few pieces of fruit, I was usually able to trick my brain back to sleep...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or any advice regarding an issue I've been dealing with for YEARS now. Long story short, I consume approximately 500 of my 1500 calories a day within an hour of going to sleep. I've found that unless I do this, I have trouble getting to sleep...