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  1. S

    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @lulahigley Slow down. Give yourself more time to rest between sessions and don't go so hard don't go so hard next session. Make sure you're getting enough high quality sleep. Give yourself a few weeks to let your body get used to working out. You want to show up consistently. Not bomb your...
  2. S

    how can i (f) gain abs? i don’t need to lose weight but i’m definitely not in shape exercise wise

    @jen4him Man and women make abs the same way. Core work and low body fat to expose that core work. Planks, L sits, sit ups, side planks, and leg raises will do a lot to make your abs pop out more and develop core strength. Keep in mind that you will only have as many ab muscles as you're...