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  1. H

    Apple Watch TDEE Accuracy?

    @jacquelinejean Yeah I feel like its the opposite in my case. After a super intense run on the treadmill for 40 minutes (I'm talking like incline sprints, im winded at the end) it will tell me I burned ~250 calories. Versus running for 50 minutes outside at an easy pace I'll burn near 500. That...
  2. H

    Apple Watch TDEE Accuracy?

    @zastari Yeah I agree. When I compare it to online TDEE calculators they usually have my TDEE sitting around the 2100-2300 range for a highly active person. I weigh about 107 at 5'2. For a while my watch made sense...It had my TDEE around 2k, which felt right. But I swear if I eat 1500 cals I...
  3. H

    Apple Watch TDEE Accuracy?

    Hey girls! I just wanted to start a conversation about how accurate the TDEE is calculated on apple watch? My move goal is 600 calories and I meet this everyday, if not I go over it. My workouts over the week are 4 lifts (2 upper and 2 lower), and I usually do 2 HIIT sprint sessions on the...
  4. H

    Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant

    @jessica50332 I think you look great!! If you’re wanting to lean out but maintain your muscle I don’t think it would hurt to add in a bit of cardio. Maybe an incline walk, 20 mins on the stairmaster a few times a week, or some sprint intervals! I think you’ll notice the changes you’re hoping to...