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  1. M

    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @colwyn That working more intensely/frequently/longer not only will not help you, it could very well hurt you. I used to get in double workouts a few days a week, intense exercise 5 days a week, way too much endurance work, etc. Calm it down. I've taken the intensity down a notch and aim for 4...
  2. M

    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @christian2011 Nope. I've been very active for 11 years and instructing for 6. This is the same mindset I have every dang day
  3. M

    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @allthingsarebecomenew Unpopular opinion, from a fitness instructor: don't pump yourself up to go hard. Pump yourself up to go at all. Walk through the door. Promise yourself 10 minutes. That's it, that's all. Going hard will come during the workout. As it becomes more a part of your routine...