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  1. R

    My Accidental 2 Month Recomp: The Scale Ain't Shit!

    @trinity101 Not OP but to get my protein up I like to add fat free Greek yogurt as a snack. I never eat shakes, bars, or protein powder but I do like meat and will easily put away 6 oz of chicken or fish at lunch and dinner. I find that beans, tofu, and seitan are delicious but less protein for...
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    How do I run in zone 2?

    @rbrbrb2 If you figure this out let me know. I'm in the same boat. Running for more than a year, similar speed to you, always above Zone 2 if I'm above a walk. I feel you on the calf pain in the jog, too. I'm a slow runner but extremely slow paces mess up my form.
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    @seekinganswersinlife Pilates is good for building core strength, but it’s just not that intense, even if you work with a trainer on a reformer.
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    Because of my training, my clothes are starting to no longer fit

    @countrygurl32 Respectfully, I don’t think it’s the training. It’s probably a natural adjustment to your body size as you age. We all go through it. If anything, strength training should help you keep in shape through your 30s and beyond. With just once a week with a trainer, you are not gaining...
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    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus Running longer distances. It's very rewarding to meet your goal, and it's hard to do! You say you hate running, but I also did until I did a Couch to 5k app. Then I realized I AM one of the people that gets a runner's high, it just takes it half an hour to kick in.