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    Fraser tortures fitness blogger

    @nonamend He’s a new dad isn’t he? Frickin parenthood lol
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    Nick Mathew’s shirt…

    @giftsigns “It’s the new gear men are getting excited for.”
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    First comp today: O U C H

    @miles77 I love that feeling of “I’m never doing that again” only to sign up early bird special at the next one.
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    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    @sam81 Find a fun local comp. Enter as intermediate or scaled depending on recommendations. Most of them where I live post the WODs before hand. Sign up, sign up with others in your gym, go and have fun with no expectations. If you place, how awesome! If you don’t, no big deal. A good...
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    Physically can’t do a burpee

    @caleb_m Absolutely, this is Rx stuff. Nothing about it is scaled. A little side note, if you do burpees like this in an ARAMP you get less burpees to do! Straight math! There’s no reward for “popping back up”, only more punishment.