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  1. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @truthseeker05 glad to help! Yeah, I had to stop weighing myself for awhile and basically just stuck to some daily meals I knew would add up to 2500ish plus whatever snacks I wanted. In the years since I've started tracking more closely, but I'm less emotionally affected by the numbers now.
  2. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @jennbaby :) this makes me happy! My instagram is @trainhardpizzaharder. Not strictly fitness stuff, I post a lot of lifting videos but also cats/books/food/etc. I don't like following a lot of fitness-instagram-model-types either, they generally don't post content relevant to my goals and yet...
  3. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @legendforlife tbh part of my motivation to pony up the cash for a DEXA was that I finally hit an "overweight BMI," so I know that feel. Wanted some more data to provide context!
  4. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @atodestroxia I think it is, yeah. at least my left bicep is punier than my also puny right bicep, but my arms are like 99% tricep anyway.
  5. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @atodestroxia yeah the weirdest thing is according to the technician, the most significant difference is between my arms. my left arm has more lean mass. except I'm right handed and my left arm is slightly weaker on unilateral stuff?? I DON'T GET IT?
  6. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @dawn16 I've heard a lot of other women having hormonal trouble with intermittent fasting, so you are not alone there!
  7. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @dawn16 oh absolutely! this was something I struggled with for awhile before I finally committed to eating more! I kept being like "wtf how could it possibly be fitness related, I don't even have abs???". But it doesn't have to be bf% related, it can be from eating at too severe a deficit, not...
  8. 1

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    /@staywithme suggested I post this and I do what she tells me so: I decided to get a DEXA scan because over the last few years I have gained 15-20 lbs intentionally and was curious about what that meant for my body composition/health/etc. Also just like interesting data. Stats: 5'3", 142 lbs...