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  1. M

    Bad in bench press

    @jakesmith99 You’re not alone brother. Tell me if you figure it out. I am 32 y/o and 175lbs (80kg). I can: Clean 275 Deadlift 420 Back Squat 350 Front Squat 320 Snatch 185 I can bench press…….. 175. I am in the same boat as you. I suck at anything upper body pressing. I have just come to...
  2. M

    Disappointed with my 24.1 result

    @damj I don’t really have much to add besides I feel the same. The last two years I have been in the 11th and 12th percentile (almost made quarterfinals). I finished this workout in 10:06 and was absolutely destroyed, I have no clue how I could have done any better. And I had my worst placement...
  3. M

    24.3: Observations after a morning in the gym

    @buckswordbearer What was you tie break time? I intentionally went really really slow and was 7:00 this evening, if I did it again I’d make it even longer. The second part kicked me in the nuts. I got through 3 rounds, but I feel like it’s within my abilities to get through 4.