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  1. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    Oh and this was all made by me by doing weeks of weeks of research and trial and error with more weights less weights etc.... i do not have a trainer so idm alternating anything if needed to be changed immediately. And i wanted to create my own workout list from my own hands (mostly since other...
  2. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    Now my questions are: 1-Do I NEED to do barbell squats??? like should air squats suffice? my friend told me to do barbell ones but i said i didn't want to since im still new and could injure myself. 2-I decided to reduce my warm-ups to only have stretches + incline pushups (10) + negative...
  3. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @jeffwilly001 I saw the FAQ and for the training program but none of them really appeal to me as well. If you could suggest one that I can work on starting today I will make sure to be consistent with it. I want one that increases my stamina and endurance, while increases my...
  4. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @jeffwilly001 I came up with a workout plan with the workout programs. Please check if it is all right and according to it: Strength (3 days): scapular pulls (3 sets 6 seconds) Air squats (3 sets 8reps) Parallel bar support hold (3 sets 6 seconds) deadlifts (3sets 8reps __kg) seated rows...
  5. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @jeffwilly001 Sorry i do not understand the frequency thing xD like could you explain according to the program? like in 1 week i can do the entire routine in 1 day then rest and then again. and the next week i can split it into 6 days like 1st pair 2nd pair etc???
  6. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @jeffwilly001 I should do the weight resistance strength training for 3 days cardio for 2 days and the isometric stretching program 1 day a week, right? (from what I get by reading it) I'll be sure to note them down and do them immediately. How long should I stick to these? Until they are easy...
  7. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @jeffwilly001 Could you please suggest a pre made endurance workout program that you would suggest? I will gladly only follow that one then. I'm sure from your pov my program must be bad (and ofc it is i am a beginner don't have a degree in this stuff). I might use the program i made for...
  8. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @jeffwilly001 Yes even I understand that I am HEAVILY overthinking haha. Easiest thing and simpliest to go about is do a deficit and workout but idk why i just felt paranoid thinking of long term. I have decided that this current routine will be my workout plan without changing anything. For...
  9. G

    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    Hey again reddit! I'm the kid from Anyways, I wanted to start this post by saying thank you to everyone who commented and taught me the right way for my age. It was much much much appreciated as I was VERY confused. But now I need help again xD. I started the deficit and to be honest with you...