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  1. S

    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @mannequinsdance Can you give any more information about the ‘go, grow, and glow’ foods? Thanks!!
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    Can’t lose 5 lbs

    @lt11 If you don’t already, try weighing your food on a food scale for a few weeks. I know it’s annoying if you’re not in the habit, but it can be the fastest way to see if you’re eating the calories you think you’re eating. You could literally solve the mystery in a single day. It’s so easy to...
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    Petites who has successfully lost those last ~5-10lbs, did it make a significant difference in your body?

    @dassahjoy Everyone is different, and you're the only one that can say for sure whether it's worth it or not. BUT... I recently cut from 112 to 105 and the difference in how I look and feel is huge- it's like night and day. For me, 5 pounds is a clothing size, so at 112 I couldn't wear half...