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    Time and time again the guys adding the most LBM/density are the ones focused on moving big loads (regardless of rep range)

    @grace_chaser JP definitely don't warm up with sets where he goes to 4-2 RIR and he specifically points out that you shouldn't as those are fatiguing. He might do singles with his working weight just to get a feel for it before he pulls the trigger but thats it.
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    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @claudiabrinkmann1566 Exept noone said anything about 6 sets in one week.
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @jamierite74 I've been down that HIT rabbit hole, definitely felt like it hindered progress after a few weeks. As natural bodybuilders we can only increase the weight so much before we plateau. JP can just up his dose and his strength will keep increasing, most people don't have that luxury. It...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @jamierite74 Well if you're going to count sets by movement patterns then yes it will become much higher on paper. But I personally don't like that way of counting sets, and I know most people don't count it like that. That would be like doing 3 sets of curls and saying I do 20+ sets for biceps...
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @jamierite74 Gvs doesn't do 20+sets most of the time. It's usually 16ish for chest and shoulders and 25-30 for back but thats lats and upperback counted together. For the rest hes doing 10-14 sets. Just get his latest book, it's all explained in there. Lastly, judging by his distance running...
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    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @solokwa I agree with that post. I don't see why anyone would need more than 6 working sets for a single muscle group in one session. Not that you can't do more but it's just not worth it if you're hitting the same muscle again that week.
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    Is hitting a muscle group once every 7 days regarded as a "faulty" way to train?

    @sunflower39 You need to figure it out yourself, the "science" has A LOT of flaws. Use it as a general guideline but don't get into the details as that will send you down a rabbit hole. The bodybuilders before our generation had no science helping them and they were just fine. We have every...
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    What is your favorite four-day split?

    @leticia1995 With rest days in between. You can switch the order too, that was just an example.
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    What is your favorite four-day split?

    @jlrodriguez PPL with separate arm day is somewhat popular for bodybuilders. You basically skip arm exercises on the push and pull days and do them separately. I guess that would be more of a 1. chest/delts 2. back 3. legs 4. arms split but yeah you get the point. I used it for a while and liked...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @deejayjr " 10-20 sets is the general recommendation" I don't think you've read a single study released in the past 5 years. Those are 2017-2018 recommendations that have been debunked after they figured out that you require less volume if you use longer rest times.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @dawn16 Thats an absurd amount of volume. How the hell did you come to the conclusion that you needed that much? You're way overtraining if you're still doing that amount. Professional bodybuilders on steroids are doing 20 sets per week. Try cutting down to 10-15 sets as the literature suggests...
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    My Experience with Brig 20 (long post ahead)

    @kagenonikki I like Doug. I don't think all his exercises are "the best ones" you can do but he made me rethink my exercise selection and I incorporated some of his exercises into my workouts.