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  1. L

    Struggling with pushing up from bent arms in a handstand after a 90-degree hold

    @jermyn Thanks. That's actually what I do. I do pseudo-planche pushups and wall-assisted HSPU every workout, which are the base of my pushing strength. That's why I am a bit puzzled about not making much progress in that specific movement since the beginning of June. You can notice that I...
  2. L

    Struggling with pushing up from bent arms in a handstand after a 90-degree hold

    @jun_za I did as you suggested and did the movement faster and more fluently. I was able to push myself up. Now, I just need to work on my form. Thanks a lot!
  3. L

    Struggling with pushing up from bent arms in a handstand after a 90-degree hold

    @jun_za Thanks for your input. The momentum is definitely a good idea. I was able to push a bit higher in a single attempt back in June, and that was most certainly because of the momentum. The stored tension during HSPU sounds like a good explanation of what the difference is between the...
  4. L

    Struggling with pushing up from bent arms in a handstand after a 90-degree hold

    Hi, I've been doing calisthenics for over one and a half years. Height: 177 cm, weight: 71 kg. A few months ago, I started working towards a 90-degree pushup. One of the exercises I do is a push into a handstand from a 90-degree hold (or its easier progression). I can't figure out what the...