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  1. G

    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @hebahesh Love: barbell, squat rack, plates, doorway pullup bar Like: pullup bands, gymnastic rings, running shoes Barely Use: bar collars, straps, chalk (the latter is mostly because I don't have the overhead space for c&j or snatch currently)
  2. G

    My fitness goal: be able carry my 130 lbs partner from the couch to the bed without waking her up. How to achieve?

    @whatgoeshere Hey there, I've totally had a similar goal! I'm 5' (145lbs) and my partner is 5'8" (160? Lbs). What helped me the most was focusing on back strength and practice carrying. Specifically: pull up deadlift rows zercher squats zercher carrys girlfriend carrys Try focusing on higher...