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  1. M

    Simple and Sinister - Tracking Spreadsheet 3.0

    @tmc08 Great thanks
  2. M

    Simple and Sinister - Tracking Spreadsheet 3.0

    @tmc08 So is it recommended to do 28 days with a new load? For example set 4 of 10, do your swings with 24kg... you do that for 28 days before adding in 24kg to another set? Say set 5 of 10 as well.
  3. M

    Simple and Sinister - Tracking Spreadsheet 3.0

    @tmc08 Are the step loading columns for when you start using a higher weight for some of your sets? Great sheet btw, thanks for sharing.
  4. M

    Simple and Sinister - Tracking Spreadsheet 3.0

    @tmc08 Thanks, I do have S&S, not sure what edition and I certainly haven’t read it for years! Cheers for the info.