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  1. R

    Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

    @dancibutterfly I also recommend watching Rennaisance Periodizations videos on Fat Loss, super helpful and informative.
  2. R

    Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

    @padib Starvation mode is not real and "clean eating" does not matter, i could eat 1500 calories of things ppl would consider "junk" and "processed" and still lose weight, because I am still in a deficit. I know, because I did do that. Sure, I held on to more water weight, but it produced...
  3. R

    Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

    @dancibutterfly If you start weighing food and reading nutrition labels, beyond just an app for a few weeks and are still not seeing results, you should follow up with a medical professional as you highly likely have a medical issue and that will need to get resolved before CICO does anything...
  4. R

    Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

    @dancibutterfly I am someone who lost 55 lbs and am still chipping at my long term fat loss goal. My job requires lots of standing but not much movement outside of that. Everyone has a BMR and every little movement you make also burns cals, based on your weight and age, 1500 is such a severe...