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  1. P

    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @laura02375 Right, and natural bodybuilding (real natural bodybuilding) definitely requires weights that have the potential to create damage in the same way as your other examples, especially as you slowly progressively overload over time and become advanced. My point is that doing those high...
  2. P

    Body part split better than upper/lower?

    @michaelsouby My thoughts are...doing what you enjoy is going to be the most important factor. So feel free to ignore any and all criticisms, and just go for it. With that being said, as you probably already know, this routine is going to produce a little worse (or should I say...slower)...
  3. P

    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @vsw874 In my opinion, you are looking at this the wrong way. The problem is things like connective tissues, not mucle recovery. Connective tissue generally takes a pounding if you train with a high frequency, though admittedly some of this can be mitigated if you go easy on the per-session...
  4. P

    Body part split better than upper/lower?

    @harpazo777 Very fun split but hard on the elbows, and not enough tricep recovery for me unfortunately.