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  1. P

    CrossFit culture…

    @skendit Oh hai there friend!! 😂
  2. P

    CrossFit culture…

    @jach I second this. I'm highly competitive and very focused on the workout. I can totally see how that comes off as stand-off -ish. BUT, keep in mind, I'm not trying to offend you (or new people to my gym) per se. I'm just very competitive, and I enjoy being competitive and focused. It's my...
  3. P

    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @caleb_m What is the control group? Athletes who have lifted heavy and currently lift heavy? Are they sedentary? Or are they light weight gym goers. This is important, because people using/used anabolic steroids, probably did not go easy in the gym, and probably still don’t. This would affect...