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  1. B

    Programming that is creative/has variety and keeps you interested?

    @emiles97 Supple Strength from Dr. Susie squats!
  2. B

    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @josephkenm My mistake, thanks! Edited my comment
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @naate Hi! Rereading this so I know what I’m saying, lol! Yes I’m in no way shading your lifts, like I said your squat is fantastic and mine is lagging (mostly due to constantly injuring my adductors when I started with the heavier weights). I just brought it up to emphasize that everyone is...
  4. B

    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @naate I think those goals seem reasonable, but it’s really about what you want! I personally find deadlifts a lot easier than squats so you aiming for a heavier squat than DL is wild to me, 185 is light weight on a DL but 170-185 is a heeeavy squat for me. But again, if that’s what is good for...