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  1. T

    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @dawn16 I never said anything about being intimidating. You don't need to be mean to them, you just need to voice your concern of their erratic behaviour and ask them if they can acknowledge your existence in the workout area.
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @chaosgeeks do you really think that these two dudes are going to beat up a woman who's trying to get in shape with a bunch of others around, probably several that are bigger than them ?. I doubt that will happen.
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    Will I lose/ burn fat if I…

    @emmanuel1p By getting in the right amount of protein, cutting out calorically dense foods that have little nutrients, staying hydrated, getting good sleep, and following a proven exercise plan. He may not have to loose any weight. He likely want to loose fat and replace it with muscle.
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @chaosgeeks They're not going to do that. If they do, they'll be kicked out of the gym and she will never have to deal with them ever again.
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @austinjoel2001 Just say something to them like hey can you give me some more room please? If you can't do that, invite me to come work out with you and I'll straighten these guys out.....with my words. IDGAF.
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    Will I lose/ burn fat if I…

    @dawn16 No, I agree with you that a random assortment of bodyweight exercises isn't going to build muscle significantly. He seems like a beginner though so it's not a bad place to start to build some foundational strength, which as you know is important to have before he starts lifting serious...
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    Will I lose/ burn fat if I…

    @dawn16 He wants to build muscle too though, you fool. Presence of more muscle mass will increase his metabolic rate which will cause him to burn more calories at rest.
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    Will I lose/ burn fat if I…

    @tdear25 No offense but you don't seem very experienced. If you don't know what you're talking about you shouldn't speak, cheapmonument. I know what I'm talking about. If you build muscle then your metabolism increases which can put you in a caloric deficit.
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    Will I lose/ burn fat if I…

    @tdear25 By getting in the right amount of protein, cutting out calorically dense foods that have little nutrients, staying hydrated, getting good sleep, and following a proven exercise plan.