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    Fat and Out of Shape Firefighter Update

    @melkrampas Keep crushing it.
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @agiosconstantinos You could just do an ab wheel. Faster, lower risk.
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    "What Animal Do You Lift?" is back online!

    @danisean69 You swing that wombat.
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    Workout routine advice BW + KB

    @bikochieng Load the squats, do the leg raises on both weeks. Do the jump rope 3-6 days a week added on to the other stuff, vary time and intensity. I'd love to see a loaded carry in there. You could even march in place on days you don't jump rope, carrying a bell overhead, in the rack, or at...
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    Alternatives to 500 pound club?

    @crazythat First, I'll bet that dude was jealous, because his squat is weaker. Second, the 500 club is absolutely an achievement. I would say the next step could be a 1/2/3 plate on the bench/squat/deadlift. That's pretty close, the next after would maybe be a bodyweight bench, 2X bodyweight...
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    Kettlebell (BJJ?) groundwork videos

    @fbgah With the disclaimer that I have no expertise in BJJ specifically: Resistance training and conditioning are adjuncts to your sport to raise performance attributes. The attempt to make them skill transfer training generally is less efficient time wise than drilling the skills and doing GPP...
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    DFW completed - female perspective - 2x12 kg are still plenty

    @m2j9 You got stronger along multiple axes and more mobile and better conditioned while maintaining weight or slightly losing. That is definitely a win. If you want to push the numbers up, I'll bet that if you run it again, and just eat a few hundred more calories per day, you can out on a...