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    Beginner simple and sinister questions

    @yangum In your same shoes and knowing what I know now, I would run S&S exclusively for a month or two. There are so many nuances that you’d be able to iron out in that time that it seems worth the investment. It will also allow you to adapt to the program and its benefits, which will likely...
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @dawn16 They use the phase “simple, not easy” a lot
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc If you did want some parameters connected to weight, Strongfirst has KB weights assigned to different weight classes for their KB certification:
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc Pavel is smart but you have to understand that he is a businessman. Creating a system that can be somewhat easily followed with minimal effort on his part will mean that he can get lots of sales and profit. Just follow the program with a weight that works for you and see how it goes...
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc People rip on him for stating he reached Master of Sport numbers but there’s no proof to the claim.
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @agiosconstantinos I can’t disagree with that, but I think he’s considering it from a risk-reward perspective. Coming back down from the top with a heavy bell is where most people will fail, if they’ve gotten that far.
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    Posting program from 48 y/o M former SFG who just wants to be healthy and strong enough

    @dhebi You’re very welcome and this feels like a way that I can basically do whole body training each session, which seems to be a better approach than a bro-split as we age.
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    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @agiosconstantinos I would only agree that he doesn’t like the full getup. He loves it up to the bridge, for those who do it that way, possibly even to the half-kneel, but no further.
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    Posting program from 48 y/o M former SFG who just wants to be healthy and strong enough

    While I’m a former SFG, I’m also a physical therapist and kettlebells have become a staple to my training. I had various injuries over my 30+ years of training and feel very healthy and solid, although I will need surgery to correct a hip deformity in the next month so I can avoid a total...