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  1. G

    What to do next?

    @creator123 I feel that 1400 calories + all the exercising I do will basically be like starving myself.
  2. G

    Am I just wasting time by lifting?

    @hovis Most of 2023 I lost 0 lbs, I might have even gained 1-2 overall. I got into weight lifting consistently & tracking my protein intake. I lost a whole dress size. I wasn’t losing weight, but I was definitely transforming fat into muscle. Diet & protein is definitely key, so if that isn’t...
  3. G

    What to do next?

    @meili13onnie I am still overweight and have a ton of body fat that is hiding the progress I am making lifting. I am also getting married in November so I am trying to look my best and feel comfortable in my own skin for once.
  4. G

    I walked 154 miles on my walking pad in February! Here's what happened:

    @macbosch dang I need to get back on mine haha
  5. G

    What to do next?

    @savien Will do — I actually went and got my bloodwork done today and my doctor already went and ordered a thyroid hormone test! This is the first time that my thyroid levels has been tested so we will see if there are any issues there!
  6. G

    What to do next?

    @hungry_hungry_hippo So kinda yes and no? I have done resets for 6 weeks a few times recently eating at or above maintenance and low impact exercises while I was moving. Tried to get my body to not get used to being in a deficit
  7. G

    What to do next?

    I’ve been trying to lose these past 15 pounds for MONTHS. Currently 5’2”, 145lbs 25y/o. I eat 1600 cals a day, lift weights 4x a week. I lost almost 40lb from 2020-2022, and I’ve been bouncing between 139-145 all of last year and this year. Talk about a plateau… I eat in a calorie deficit...