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  1. T

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/7/2020

    @masonbrown I seee, alright well thanks ill try to record every week and add few unilateral sets to my chest workout. Thank youu
  2. T

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/7/2020

    @masonbrown As in record to use it as a way to compare before and after? Or record during the exercise. Honestly I feel like my right chest is way smaller that I’m starting to thing it has to do with more than just workout, I noticed my right ribcage is protruding a bit more than my left, with...
  3. T

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/7/2020

    @paparazi257 What are yalls thoughts on unilateral exercises to fix imbalances between the left and right side? My right chest is clearly weaker and smaller than left.