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  1. C

    TDEE Confusion

    @eleos I wonder if after such a large drop in weight you’ve been recomping over the last few months as your body adjusts to a new normal. I’m sure it’s frustrating to not see scale progress after so much hard work but you’ve already had a ton of success! Best of luck with your continued efforts.
  2. C

    TDEE Confusion

    @eleos It sounds like you have a very active lifestyle but your body has hit a bit of a plateau. I’m definitely not an expert but if carbs are the only macro you’re tracking I’d suggest also tracking protein for a couple of weeks to see if you’re getting enough. I absolutely hate tracking food...
  3. C

    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @intermediary Ah, yes I worded that poorly. I was trying to get a read on androgen and adrenal hormones, which should not be affected by my form of birth control. Sounds like you had a difficult but rewarding path figuring things out!
  4. C

    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @intermediary Thanks so much for the detailed response! I too have been frustrated with the advice to suck it up from Drs, and have also been told that testing hormones would be useless without me coming off birth control.
  5. C

    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @intermediary If you don’t mind me asking, what bloodwork markers were you working on initially for tracking hormone balance (or maybe inflammation)?