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  1. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @shyforhim Thank you for your perspective, it’s really helpful to hear. I can’t count on long run days, either, because I just eat so much! But I do find I get full quickly after a run and need frequent snacks instead of a big heavy meal.
  2. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @lsutiger05 Thank you, really appreciate your insight here! I am neither young nor fast - my aim is to finish (and to get through the training without an injury that stops me from running!)
  3. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @btot Sorry I didn’t mean the marathon training by ear, I meant my calorie intake. I have a training plan. If I finish my first in 4.40 I will be thrilled! Well done on your marathon achievements.
  4. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @jcsr Thank you so much. I do feel my body changing for sure and I’m not too stressed about it. I just don’t really want to carry extra pounds around for 26 miles! Loads of luck for your training and your marathon!
  5. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @dawn16 Thank you for the encouragement! I definitely want to avoid that wall.
  6. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @mrs_to_you Thanks! Sort of what I knew but didn’t want to know!
  7. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @dawn16 Thank you! I will look into the macro calculators and recomp a bit more - it’s something I’m just learning about from this sub!
  8. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @eriugena Thanks. Congratulations on NYC! I think, as you suggest, I’ll try for a deficit until the 10+ miles kick in, and then go to maintenance or more on long run days from there.
  9. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @davidnebster I’m so sorry about your dog. I’ll look into a coach - good advice, thank you!
  10. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @billclt16 Thanks. I will have a chance to find out how it affects my runs over Christmas, because 12-1400 isn’t really possible when I’m at other people’s houses!
  11. N

    How do you handle eating out or social settings when trying to lose?

    @medjugorje If you can look at the menu in advance I find that really helps. It’s easier to plan ahead for a lower calorie meal than to get there and choose when you’re hungry! I usually do have to be really careful for the rest of the day when I’m going out - I’ll have just veg basically for...
  12. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    @sandralois Thank you! I definitely eat more on the long run days anyway. I don’t lift at the moment but I’m inspired by all the ladies on here so might take it up post-marathon!
  13. N

    Marathon training advice please!

    I know most of you ladies are strength training, but I’m hoping someone here has some advice for getting the right balance of nutrition whilst marathon training. I’m 156cm and 63kg (that’s about 5’2” and 140lb in freedom units, I think). Currently losing about 1kg a week, eating about 1200-1400...