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  1. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @thomm So what is the density of fat in your opinion? How much volume does 1kg of fat occupies in comparison to 1 kg of meat?
  2. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @kyleeak “Does Muscle Really Burn More Calories Than Fat?” That’s your link. How is that connected to our discussion?
  3. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @kyleeak Which first 3 links? Did any of them contain comparison between flour and dough in extrapolation to fat/muscle? Because that’s what you told me. And let me be honest that’s a BS comparison.
  4. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @kyleeak I’ve done my googling. Unlike you guys 😁
  5. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @kyleeak So how much would weight a cup of fat in comparison to cup of meat? I asked about numbers, but all people only give me explanation how density works. I remember my school physics.
  6. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @vanztyn Yes, 15% can make a big difference, but 15% of what? If that’s 15% of 1 pound, I don’t think it’s even noticeable. Even 15% of 5 pound won’t make that much of a difference. The only reason I emphasize that difference is not that big and it takes a lot of time to build muscles, so that...
  7. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @vanztyn It’s just 15% difference in volume. As for gaining muscle and losing fat, it’s not that easy. Looks like opinions are split on whether you can gain muscle on calorie deficit or not. Nevertheless, muscles do not grow rapidly. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find a research I read about...
  8. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @beckyboop28 As much misleading as these posts “fat takes way more space than muscle” with no explanation how much more space. Also posts about muscles replacing fat. Like if a person starts going to gym, he/she will replace their fat with muscles in couple months. It’s very misleading and do...
  9. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @sarangapani That’s exactly why I asked. I saw lots of BS pictures about fat vs muscle, for example . I wanted to know how much less did the commenter above mean, but I’ve never received numbers 🤷‍♀️I know that difference not...
  10. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @agent23 You sent me the link to TRUE OR FALSE: MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT. That’s obvious that weighs are the same. I asked “how much less space does the muscle take in comparison to fat?”. That was my question.
  11. N

    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @thomm What do you mean by “muscle takes up way less space than fat”? How much less?