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  1. D

    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    @henk So I’m eating chicken breast maybe three or four times a week. I try to have enough variety that my food doesn’t get boring. I have a few different recipes I like and use one each week. And here’s some of my favourite seasoning options for chicken: Chicken tandoori: use the store bought...
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    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    @jess73 For me the solution was to find protein rich meals I actually like the taste of and learning to cook them properly. My protein sources are chicken, tofu, salmon, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, lentils and ground beef. I have four meals or snacks everyday with at least 30-40 grams of...
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    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    @tinywings I do thoracic spine related movements and foam roller stuff. Sorry not good with these workout names! Then I do pec minor release and trap release with a tennis ball where I massage these muscles and dig into sore spots and then do stretches for the same muscles.
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    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    @gospelchannel Full honest story is that a while before the pandemic, I noticed this cool strength and powerlifting gym local to me because Stefi Cohen visited and shared it on her instagram. I really wanted to try it out then, but was too nervous going to a place like that where everyone seemed...
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    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    @dontlogoff I’m 5’3”
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    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    @nxcess Thanks, I have another response higher up with a bit more details, but basically I signed up for my local strength gym (they’re focused on powerlifting, olympic weight lifting and strongman) and asked them to recommend me someone. I pay 220 CAD a month.
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    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    @earletammo That’s funny because when I had a bit more belly fat they were my preferred leggings because they didn’t give me muffin top. Now that I’m a bit leaner I prefer my other leggings more!
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    My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

    Hi everyone. I hope you're having a nice day. I've been back at the gym focusing on recomping after a pandemic hiatus and wanted to share my results with you. I'm no longer doing progress photos, but have a lot videos of my lifting in the past few months and what you see in that first image is...