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    Question about cardio

    @clintpj Thanks for the insights brother
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    Question about cardio

    Hello guys! I hope you are all doing well. So a little background: I am 20M, 76kg. Currently, I am on a deficit phase where im trying to lower my body fat % (26.5% as of the moment) before i go on a surplus phase again. I am eating at 2,300 calories as my TDEE maintenance is around 2.6k. Now...
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    Stuck on 25lbs dumbbell for incline chest press

    Hi guys! As the title hints, I have been using 25lbs dumbbell (50 if combined) for my inclined chest press for 56 days now. I work out at a bakal gym so the next weight is 30lbs. I tried lifting it but it is too heavy for me that I cannot perform the exercise with the proper form. My problem is...
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    @dawn16 Your guy, Eddie, has 1.6M followers. He is an influencer with a wide audience. It is his RESPONSIBILITY to think critically and make sure what he publishes online is 100% factual. I am not saying that it is wrong to have mistakes, I just wanted to say that there are better people who...
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    @dawn16 I am not here to argue about training styles nor genetics. I just wanted to shed light on one of your sources spreading misinformation all over the internet.
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    @dawn16 Did i just say that is only genetics? I mentioned elite level of training too brother 🙂
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    @dawn16 And please dont use D1 athletes, who are elite in terms of training and genetics, as your basis for not taking preworkouts. I dont suggest pre-workouts but it can help some people. It varies person to person and you should not approach these things with a one size fits all thinking.
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    @dawn16 Lol never said OP should drink preworkout. He is BS bc most of his claims is outrageous and give “trust me bro” energy. I remember seeing one of his tiktoks with random percentages of protein absorbed per food. ABSOLUTELY, 100% BS. The only thing I agree with him is people should eat...
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    @dawn16 When did I say that his workouts are not helpful? I just said there are better variations and ur ego couldnt handle that I dont adhere to ur daddy Sams workout regimen. Zip it up when you are done 🥱
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    @dawn16 Funny you said “it aint that deep”, while clearly you are trying so hard to defend Sulek’s exercise selection. If you want to follow him, then follow him. It aint that deep my guy 😉
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    @dawn16 Yep, I really will not 🤣 there are far better variations than what Sulek does. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, you cannot approach fitness in a one size fits all thinking. If you like incorporating Sulek’s workouts, then by all means.
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    @dawn16 You admitted that some of his claims are not true. Kahit ilang tama pa yan, basta nagclaim nang mali MULTIPLE times, I would rather spend my time listening to other people. But that is just me, you do you 👍🏻
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    @dawn16 Eddie abbew spreads BS information regarding fitness. Do not trust that guy
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    Thoughts on Mike Mentzer’s “Heavy Duty” workout

    @iambenn I see, thanks brother 🤝
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    Thoughts on Mike Mentzer’s “Heavy Duty” workout

    @iambenn kamusta leg development mo bro?
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    Thoughts on Mike Mentzer’s “Heavy Duty” workout

    @iambenn Do you follow his split bro or did u make ur own?
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    Thoughts on Mike Mentzer’s “Heavy Duty” workout

    Good evening, everyone! I just want to ask if your thoughts on Mike Mentzer’s training style? Anyone who tried training using this style? Found a website that explained his training method. Essentially, he divides his body part into two workouts and allow 48 hours between workouts (Ex.: workout...