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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @elyk92 Well, I started in June 2022, got down to 32% fat and stalled in October until January 2023. I recalibrated and hit the 27% range in the middle of February this year.
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @kabriana You sound like you are determined! Excellent! Trust me, I had the same lament as you almost word for word. I really recognized myself in your post. It kicked me into gear and it obviously has done the same for you. I have zero doubt about your success!
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @mlnkira1 I can't say all Tanita scales are created equal. I can only vouch for mine and it'sa fancy-schmancy one. I spent a lot of money on it, but it's worth it to me. I did have a much older one before that and the weight is correct, but the fat % is several percent off - consistently...
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    Need help for losing bf% for a skinny person

    @blindfaith101 Weight lifting builds the muscle that makes a big dent in losing fat and keeping it off.
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @mlnkira1 Tanita- one of the more expensive ones that measures the different areas of fat and also visceral vs subcutaneous, lean muscle, etc. it's a couple years old now, the app is lazy, but I transfer the numbers into a different app anyway. There's probably a new version. They tend to be...
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @zoomerzoomer I avoid unnecessary radiation from x-rays - even low dose like DEXA. Maybe once at my goal weight and fat %, but I'm a little more careful about that than most.
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @zoomerzoomer mine is pretty spot on and matches the super professional one in my doctor's office and is the same measurement minute to minute. I did spend some serious money though. Even if it's 5-8% off, that is still a decent measure. I realize not all scales are good, though. DEXA is great...
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    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    @kabriana I can see how that would be shocking, but the good thing is you can now take steps it bring it in line. It's always upsetting to hear/see that Obese term applied to oneself. I'm the same height, currently 145 lb and 27% fat. I fought my way back down from 43% fat. You can do this...