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    Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

    @debate507 Work with a sports dietitian who can help you recomp and lose weight sustainably so that you aren't forever cutting down to nothing. Taking diet breaks to build muscle help a lot. I find the generic tdee calculators to be pretty useless as it's a general algorithm and our short...
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    Spiraling down a pandemic depression hole so I bought a treadmill

    @godzillla Walking was my Savior in the beginning. When I'm feeling low for any reason I'll head out for a walk or a light run. My treadmill has been my saviour. You're so lucky.
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    5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?

    @uticus 3.2 mph for regular waking. I've gotten faster as I've done strength training and become a somewhat efficient slow runner. My easy jog is 4.5mph and my cool down walk would be 2.8-3 mph. ** Editing to add I'm 5'0" with a 26.5" inseam