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  1. J

    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 I have pain in the elbow as well. I’m pretty sure it is from the EZ bar curling. I am doing some rehab exercises and the pain has gone down in the last 9 mos. The thing to remember is that the culprit is often the adjacent joint. One of your comments mentioned a shoulder issue. If...
  2. J

    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 53M, 5’10”, 141lbs. I did not work out regularly when I was young and hardly ever went to the gym during my 30s and 40s. I started lifting one year ago, four days a week with a trainer and once a week on my own for volume. What works for me is: frequency 2x a week for each muscle...
  3. J

    Need new routine

    @needmyangel I suggest spending money on one-on-one in-person training and doing a straightforward (barbell-based) strength/powerbuilding program. You continue to gain strength and muscle while minimizing the risk of injury. The class setting of CrossFit and OrangeTheory is not ideal for...
  4. J

    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 A variation of the 5/3/1 powerlifting program by Jim Wendler called ‘Boring But Big’. The program is available on the web. Also available on apps like Boostcamp.
  5. J

    BMI, body fat %, etc

    @binbina I got a DEXA last year which motivated me to change my lifestyle. Building muscle is a decent way of shedding fat, but losing fat is ultimately about calories in vs calories out. I track calories and macros pretty rigorously, and I’m about your height and weigh 140lbs. My TDEE is about...
  6. J

    What Programs do Others over 70 Follow

    @mbai22 10 reps is very impressive for those weights on those lifts. Truly impressive. Double progression has worked for me when it comes to adding weight. If I added, say 10lbs, to my deadlift, I would reduce the reps by 2. I would then work up to the base number of reps (10 in your case).
  7. J

    What Programs do Others over 70 Follow

    @mbai22 You started two years ago and bench 135lbs?! That’s very impressive. For how many reps? Fwiw, I don’t think you need an “older folks” program. Your numbers beat mine and I’m 20 years younger. For any exercise, there’s a substitute that will work the same muscle groups. A deadlift is...