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  1. L

    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @saturn218 I got frozen shoulder in both sides (rare) during COVID and that took me out for a while, but was able to bounce back after about 3 months of physical therapy 👍🏼
  2. L

    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @prestonmcghee So I’m 43 and in better shape than I’ve ever been and I think I look younger than people my junior. But it’s a lifestyle, I’ve been working out for 6-7 years now. I was never doing it to get shredded by summer or anything. It’s part of my life. Yes I wanted to look better, but I...