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  1. F

    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @claudiabrinkmann1566 because that's not what @becknps said. they said they don't think more than 6 sets per session is worth it if you're going to hit that muscle group again that week (i.e., 12 sets or more total per week). honestly, if you can't get a good workout in with 6 working sets per...
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    Double progression vs set reps

    @elenamaria_9 Agreed. You really have to open up your options on those smaller movements
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    Double progression vs set reps

    @asperd That's one way to go about it, but for smaller movements like lateral raises I just open up the rep range more. I may do a range of 15-30 if I'm doing sets of 3, for example.
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @dawn16 I watch a lot of top guys too, but unless you're close to their level then you should emulate their training at the same stage that you're at.
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    Question thread for our AMA with Eric Helms of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 Dr. Helms, I love the Muscle & Strength Pyramid books. I'm actually using the novice bodybuilding routine now while I'm on a cut. My question: Since you've published the Training Pyramid book and written related blog posts to progression, have you implemented any other forms of...
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @thoushaltnorkill Depends on where you live. If the sun is too low in the sky, then you won't get your vitamin d fix.