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  1. C

    Any tips for better fat loss?

    @foxhound0123 Ok, the light bulb has gone on haha. I’ve been avoiding all measurements because I really really really don’t want to see the number on the scale. But either a scale or measuring tape are the only way to see if what I’m doing is working and show me where I need to go with my...
  2. C

    Any tips for better fat loss?

    @foxhound0123 Isn’t she amazing! I have been doing some strength training for a few weeks before this but no idea if I was in a surplus or not because I was doing intuitive eating (thank you Natacha once more for changing my life away from dieting!!!!). I couldn’t decide whether to do Build or...
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    Any tips for better fat loss?

    @bubble5 I did IF for about a year and it was good but ultimately contributed to my poor relationship with food. :/ I love the idea but can’t put myself through that again lol. I’m so glad to hear you’re seeing it work though!! Lots of great benefits to fasting.
  4. C

    Any tips for better fat loss?

    @christiandad Haha wow that’s rough 😆 I bet if you posted before and afters here we’d all be cheering for the changes! I think the deficit is my biggest question mark. It’s such a guess at the best of times and I feel like I gain weight just looking at food! I’m happy to keep going and see what...
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    Any tips for better fat loss?

    @aabel I think you are right. I’ve avoided any type of measuring because it has the ability to derail me and send me into a spiral. But using a measuring tape I can probably do. Thank you so much for your thoughtful response!
  6. C

    Any tips for better fat loss?

    Hi, this is my first post but I’ve learnt so much through this amazing group, so thank you all! I’m 42, 162cm (5ft3) and about 60kg (132 pounds). This is the heaviest I’ve ever been and I’m not happy here. My goal is body recomp, since after 9 years of terrible diets ending in disordered eating...
  7. C

    I fit a size 9!!!

    @rj7tennstars Yaaaay well done amazing lady! That is a BIG WIN!!!! 👏