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  1. K

    After 2 Years of Extremely Serious Training. Reached Serious Plateaus as a Natty. Help?

    @forever02 I see. The drop sets are probably unnecessary, especially with deadlifts, but the main reason your progress has stalled is because you’re not eating enough to support further progress.
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    Conflicting advice from my PT

    @luvhisgrace Your PT doesn’t know anything. Anyone idiot can make you do a bunch of junk volume that will leave you sore for days. 20 sets per workout will not be sustainable for more than a few weeks at best. I would possibly see if they would be willing to work with you on creating a better...
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    After 2 Years of Extremely Serious Training. Reached Serious Plateaus as a Natty. Help?

    @forever02 You’re in a deficit. Gains cannot continue indefinitely without calories to support new tissue. Also not sure if I’m understanding your routine, but it appears you’re doing 7 sets of things like chest press and deadlifts? If I’m not mistaken and that’s what you’re doing, that is way...
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    6'3/M/20 - 187 lbs, 13-15% BF - My goal is to get to 243 lbs (110 kg) and 8-10% BF, would appreciate advice!

    @luxchmi That’s a lofty goal but I respect it. Whether or not it’s actually possible is largely going to be determined by genetics, very few people, if any, are able to walk around at a shredded 240 at 6’3 naturally. Genetics aside, your training and nutrition needs to be dialled in and you’re...
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    Can anyone please review my program??

    @christie12 I like to program one compound for every major muscle/division and one isolation. Keep in mind every consecutive set you do in a workout will be less effective than the last so prioritizing the movements that are the most productive is a smart thing to do. So following that logic...
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    Can anyone please review my program??

    @christie12 If you picked a couple movements you liked and got rid of the redundant ones you would see much faster progress. You should be able to add weight to your lifts each session.
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    Why don’t I feel anything when doing RDL’s?

    @francislhevinn I don’t really feel much happening when I do RDLs either. They’re not really a “feely” kind of exercise. As long as your form is good don’t worry about how it feels.
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    Double progression vs set reps

    @backnforth Recommended by who? I prefer to add weight until I hit my bottom threshold for reps. There’s no rules to this, do whatever you want.
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    Can anyone please review my program??

    @christie12 Respectfully I think what you’ve got here suffers from redundant exercises and junk volume. Do you have a plan for implementing progressive overload?
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    Workout effectiveness?

    @raptordesign Exercise selection looks fine to me. Volume is fine also, if anything slightly on the higher side. As long as you are satisfied with the rate of progress I don’t think you need to change anything.
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    No results on calorie deficit / body recomp

    @daniellemarie17 The scale never lies, if it’s not going down you’re not in a deficit. I’d recommend reassessing your tracking, something isn’t adding up.
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    Is this split any good? PPL x Arnold

    @lchelling1029 Respectfully, that sucks
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    PPL vs Sam Sulek Split

    @lostfornow Which ever split you enjoy and consistently train hard doing will be the best one.
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    How effective is volume periodization and how do you handle the time requirements of high volume?

    @lupacexi Then ditch all that shit and go back to the basics. Get 6-10 sets to failure per muscle per week. Follow a linear progressive overload scheme (keep reps the same and add weight each session). That’s all you ever need to do to get big.
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    Is this a good/optimal PPL workout split

    @billybob I’d add a tricep compound to push day and remove the forearm work if you are hitting back the next day. Also not sure if you’ve listed these in the order you plan on doing them but I would never start a back day with biceps. What will actually determine whether this works however is...
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    How effective is volume periodization and how do you handle the time requirements of high volume?

    @lupacexi What’s the goal with this training style? I think periodization has a place in strength training but not hypertrophy. Any program designed for hypertrophy that has deloads, reps in reserve, or volume periodization is not as effective as it could be.