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  1. K

    Help a busy dad stay sexy?

    @aijeleth24 Phew, needed to read this today. Even with a 4 year old we’ve had what can only be called a real run of crap luck the last 3-4 weeks and exercise has totally fallen off - exhausted, anxious, low on sleep, and relying on junk food. Cheers for the reminder dude, I’m gonna start at the...
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    Do light workouts have benefit?

    @theblackrider For me it’s important that cardio is also mental maintenance. No desire to run long distance in the rain, but nothing makes me feel better than swimming. It’s been one of the best parts about getting into fitness
  3. K

    Dumbbell or other exercises to strengthen wrists? F 35

    @kenosis Thanks for the tip, I’ll have to pick some up. I’m very thin boned and often struggle with wrist pain
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    Seeking Fitness Routine Advice for Longevity at 37

    @groov3ydud3 If you haven’t seen it I can highly recommend How To Live To 100 on Netflix. It’s an excellent 5 part documentary about longevity that will leave you with good ideas about lifestyle changes, but should always be taken with a pinch of salt (tee hee.) longevity is one of my big...