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  1. J

    I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

    @greg67 I'm a guy and my max weighted pullup is 70 pounds and after a couple years I still can't do 3 x 10 yet. If you want to add reps at the same weight you have to put on more muscle which is a slower process if you aren't a beginner and depends on other factors like rest and nutrition as...
  2. J

    [29M] Been training since 2021, not seeing much progress. Please help?

    @ladydenise226 You don't need more weight necessarily. You need more intensity. Take every set to failure and control every eccentric (negative). You will notice the progress more. This might make you hungrier so eat accordingly. Also start the pistol squat progression
  3. J

    Deltoid Training with Calisthenics: A Guide For The Anterior, Lateral, and Posterior Delts

    @raykay I was saying the assertion about delts not being the largest was not based on evidence. Also, I weigh between 225 and 230 and I don't get tendinitis but I also focus a lot on heavy quality eccentrics. I also don't do a lot of volume between 10 and 12 sets a week for delts. Not trying to...
  4. J

    Deltoid Training with Calisthenics: A Guide For The Anterior, Lateral, and Posterior Delts

    @raykay Why are you just asserting this when there is evidence to the contrary? You can't just deduce this based on your eyes. You have to consider the amount of muscular volume beneath the surface. I would also argue that shoulder isolation is unnecessary. With the right grip/form for pike...