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  1. M

    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @unicorns26 The most difficult part of balancing both was figuring out when to run in terms of my lifting program. Do I run on my rest days? Upper body days? Lower body days? Before lifting? After lifting? Within hours of my lifting session or in the evening? (I lift in the mornings.) I know...
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @esnipe Thanks!
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @kurtcobainus Thank you!
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @humbleheart Thank you ❤️ I hope so!
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @jme602 You live in Seattle? 😍
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @bubblegum2021 Haha you’re good! Sorry you’re going through the same thing. I really don’t understand what is up with the cis men in their 30’s. Nor do I have any idea how to date successfully and it’s driving me nuts.
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @truckerdan Thanks ❤️❤️
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @calso I think I want to do another in 6-8 months.
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    @sawsar Thank you for the kind words! I was having a supremely shitty day and this helped turn it around. Yes it is possible! 6 weeks apart should be plenty of time to recover from the half marathon and peak for your meet. I’d love to hear how it goes for you if you don’t mind writing up about it?
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    Half Marathon + Powerlifting Meet Write-Up

    Background I’ve been competing in powerlifting for over 17 years; I started lifting when I was 13. With the pandemic and gyms being temporarily shut down, I took up running a year and a half ago to stay active. It began when a local Facebook beer group had a handful of members posting their...