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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @sannobil Probably 5 times out of the last 2 weeks, but I’m working at doing it every weekday- I try to get 2 sessions of an hour in each workday.
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @sannobil How brisk we talkin? I set my walking pad around 3mph and it gets me sweating a lot for the hour lol
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @undergodsmercytoo Is whole 30 a diet plan? I already don’t drink and don’t eat sweets. It’s just the daily fast food at dinner that gets me in guessing… even tho I try to be conscious of how many calories in taking in… which really isn’t a lot
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @cph Thanks, do you know if the “Eat 1gr of protein per lb of weight” thing is for my current weight it goal weight?
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @cph Thanks for sharing, part of me feels like it may feel slower at first but if I put on muscle…in theory it should raise my metabolism, right?
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    I’ve done nothing but gain weight since turning 30 and getting married and I’ve got to change What’s do I need to be aware of nutritionally compared to when I was younger? My goal is to put on a lot muscle and lean out and just feel better than I ever have I don’t have access to a gym or free...