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  1. N

    Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit

    @bronsontaur It makes you wonder if you consume 200g of protein per day and only a few grams of that get used to spare/develop lean body mass, wouldn't the same effect be possible by consuming 100g if calories are equated? Maybe some of that 100g of additional protein might have been better to...
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    What is the best 3 day split for building muscle?

    @sammyclifnote If you want optimal results, Full Body 3x/week is your only option. The literature seems to point at 2x per week frequency being better than 1x per week.
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @tolch Not really, no. Looks at Jeff Albert's, Alberto Nunez training... 6-8 sets per week total volume, which is only 3-4 sessions a week. Less than 4 hours in the a gym a week, then all that's left is sleeping and eating...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @tolch Plenty of coaches have done the same without the large margin for error, life consuming protocols and complexity.
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    I run 1.5miles a day. Could this be killing muscle mass?

    @nutzmctaffy Try to space it 6 hours away from training if possible. High intensity cardio right before weights has shown in studies to have a negative impact on muscle hypertrophy.
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @zemuel Exactly ... this is a natural bodybuilding subreddit. With all due respect to Mike Isratel, people on here following his work like gospel when he is juiced and primarily trains enhanced clients with minimal feedback from naturals...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @maria28 There isn't much difference between 3,4 and 6 days/week as long as volume is equated There is limited evidence as to higher frequencies being significantly better when volume is equated, especially not over 2x/week 10 sets of a muscle per workout is a bit of a p***take Adding reps only...
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    7 months into lifting, feeling like I'm not doing good enough.

    @cleannie Natural bodybuilding takes a long time and even longer if you don't have great genetics. Focus less on the numbers, and more about getting a healthy amount of quality volume close to failure, with adequate calories. Judging by your post here, you don't quite yet trust the process; this...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @krevikes You probably won't even lose 10% of gains doing this. The stuff listed here is mostly unecessary.
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @jamierite74 I think you need to look at it from the approach of, what is the threshold of mechanical tension do you personally need to induce to reach 90% or more (i.e. "most") of your available gains through your training; given you are in the advanced stage and know how to train within...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @sugarcookies You mean points 1 through to 7? Lol
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    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @revbillw No but eventually you will get bored and want to swap your exercises anyway, so either way works. Generally if you can find 3-4 exercises for each of the PPL days that work best for your structure and leverages to bring the target muscle to failure, this will yield the best results No...
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith They do feel comfortable and increase the perception of how bulky you are, but the downside is they make you look short because it looks like your legs are shorter. That then is further emphasized by your increased bulk.
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    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    @kaieraai Just make it a habit to do at least 4 sets per week, or even 8-12 if you want to prioritise them. I've had the most success with 6-10 reps with around 0-1 RIR, progressive overload like any other muscle.
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @pinetowntree That isn't really the 'whole logic' for everyone. Many people group PPL so posterior torso can be grouped on one day, anterior the next, and then lower on a separate day for efficient programming with minimal overlap.
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    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @kalwa Read this post, that should answer this for you.