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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @iwillwalkinfaith I think this would be a really good breakfast. I notice I’m losing my appetite for traditional western breakfast foods which might be why I have trouble getting enough food in the morning. Thanks for the recommendation!
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @bigbossjock That’s actually really smart, I make a bean “mash” sometimes but even then I find I have to eat a larger volume of food to meet my calorie/protein goals for that meal. I’ll definitely give making bean patties a try! I haven’t had a good bean burger in a long time, so I’m excited to...
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @pollard I totally forgot about Clif bars! I use to bang clifbars especially the cliffbuilders before I went vegan, but I think I overdid it to the point where I lost my appetite for them lol. I will definitely pick some up because 20g for a bar awesome especially since I’m on the go so quick...
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @zennah I meant higher calorie and protein but lower volume. I’m trying to bulk after losing a lot of weight very unhealthily going vegan but am having trouble eating a lot of high volume foods, if that makes sense. I used to be able to eat a LOT of food in one sitting but when I initially went...
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @miss_ashley I always see ads for Huel and I think I’ll have to give it a try. Whats your thoughts on the taste/texture?
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @gloriouschild I love tofu scramble! The only complaint I have is, sometimes I find it can be really low calories even for a decent serving size. I feel like I have to eat a lot of it to get atleast 500 calories for breakfast, which can set me back in the day since I typically eat most of my...
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @massave I love tofu scramble! I’ll have to play around with some new recipes as my usual mushroom-bell pepper-spinach scramble is starting to get old lol. Thanks for the recommendation!
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @sdegrad I used to love protein shakes in the morning especially when I was in a rush for lectures, but recently in the past ~6-8 months I’ve noticed they cause me a lot of bloating and digestional upset. I’m not sure what could be causing it, I’m assuming it could be the artificial sweeteners...
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    @strivingforgodsglory I love nuts and nut butters to get large amounts of proteins and calories quickly! I’ve never heard of maltodextrin (I assume this is what you meant, I tried to Google but no results showed for maltdextein) in shakes. Does it change the texture or taste at all?
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    Bulking breakfast for people who don’t want a ton of food

    Does anyone else despise having to eat MOUNTAINS of food to meet your bulking dietary goals? I always have trouble with breakfast because “traditional” breakfast foods (pancake, waffles, oatmeal, etc.) are generally not high protein, and I don’t want super heavy food first thing in the morning...