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    Straight arm day once per week?

    @mudmixer Off the top of my head some great straight arm exercises are mostly done on rings. If you have access to rings, then ring L sit holds, pelican curls (careful with these, don't overload them), ring rollouts and ring side rollouts (Again, be careful), etc. You can also work your wrists...
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @bertyvanser 100 is insane though good job, but also was it worth it
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @lucaannibale 1 and a half years of 6 days a week? Dude, an injury was in the fryer for a long long time. I'm 2 years in and I am super happy to take time away if I feel an injury come on. I just finished moving house and I did my back in a little bit last week. Haven't touched the equipment...
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @trvadams Handstands taught me this lesson. One arm always cops the brunt of my practice because I disengage on that side when I fall backwards, so I always spin around on that arm. A while back i started getting a lot of pain in my right forearm. I've since done way less practice. It hasn't...
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    Safest pressing exercise for shoulders

    @harmonmarie Sure thing! Here: Lu raises behind the back resistance band movements wide grip pull ups if you can do them lots of push up variations dips hand stands These are most of the exercises I do to keep my shoulders healthy and strong, and they work super well. My shoulders used to be...
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    Safest pressing exercise for shoulders

    @harmonmarie Just a quick explanation about shoulders: they're almost exclusively muscle and tendon. Their job is to stabilise. You can't avoid them in your movements unless you wanna do bicep curls and bodyweight squats for the rest of your life. My advice? Embrace it. Utilise your early days...
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    I know this ain’t impressive to damn near everyone here. But, I just did my first full pull up

    @seekshare CONGRATS BRO!!! you've done well, keep it up, you'll be repping out 5 in no time. You got this!
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @jadorarie More rest = more swole, I'm on my 28th year of rest days and im 800 pounds of pure muscle.
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    Did I ruin my V Shape

    @robbvii Hey bud, how big is a big waist? Do you actually have a measurement? Of course not. A 5'5 male with a 32 inch waist is large. A 6'3 male with a 32 inch waist is small. Why? Because a V is created by proportional distance between top and bottom. You want bigger V taper, you can do so by...
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    Fucked Up Posture due to Desk Job. Is there a solution?

    @withwonderingawe So what I would suggest is periodic small exercise. I do push ups before work and a lot of walking during my lunch breaks. I also do planks with my arms out past my head, but they may be hard for some. A bit of shoulder loading should do the trick
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    Fucked Up Posture due to Desk Job. Is there a solution?

    @withwonderingawe Your posture is fine. Well within the normal range. Do you experience pain? Also, seating posture is irrelevant if it doesn't cause damage, the problem with posture with most folks is the lack of muscle to keep their backs up when they stand.