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    left calf gets painful cramps now?

    @faisalsaleem Possibly water and potassium.. i get that randomly 😅 hurts like hell and ends up using that as an excuse to skip leg day hahah. But yea, a coach that I know in the gym told me that, water or nutrient deficient
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    Advice needed

    @singerpoet First 2-3 months are usually the hardest, in my opinion at least. You see almost no progress, and need to just constantly drag yourself out. But the soonest you see progress, that's when my motivation kicks in till it eventually becomes part of my lifestyle. It's a real mental...
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    Anytime F SC@M?

    @jimbigheart Depende cguro to sa branch and how accommodating the staff assisting you. When I joined AF, very clear lahat ng details, payment, monthly, keyfob, trainer, etc. Generally though, napapansin ko if it's close to month end na, they waive the current monthly fee and next billing (1st of...
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    How to get motivated to work out?

    @nscr Start slow. Like get up and fix your bed (who would want to lie back down after fixing it), but always think about going to the gym while doing other chores. It's a little mind trick that I do to manipulate myself into going.
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    How to get motivated to work out?

    @petronela Yea. Motivation will briefly help but it'll go away eventually. You just need to be disciplined enough and make it a part of your routine. First few months will always be the hardest since you won't notice the difference yet and will feel demotivated to go. Just need to drag yourself...
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    How to get motivated to work out?

    @nscr Just suck it up and go lol. Thats really how I started. Everyone started somewhere 🙂