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  1. E

    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @mynach I’m not sure. I’ve been feeling like shit and have had a horrible time sleeping for over a yr which is not normal for me, so my doctor requested a lot of different things. I’d also request iron and vitamin d and b12 specifically because those are common deficiencies. But my doctor also...
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @kazu Hehe well you can def take too much vitamin D, but I’m all for getting tested. Yay! I got my first one last wk!
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @needheaven True but you could have new issues. If your insurance covers it once a yr might as well get it
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @dawn16 Yes! Mine should be completely covered and it tested a lot of stuff
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @megbot You’d don’t have to tell them you do CrossFit right? And you could just say you feel off every yr and want to get blood work Edit: also why will doctors in the UK scoff at that?
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @honest_dana Yes, most insurances cover yrly blood work that covers a bunch of stuff including b12, thyroid, cholesterol and a bunch of other stuff that I can’t remember but your doctor would know. I had to ask my doctor specifically about adding iron testing and vitamin d testing because some...
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @mrzennoboss My dad had skin cancer so I’m def careful! Just good to also consider the fact that you need vitamin d
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @starrss I mean I don’t want to be an ass but do you really know more than my doctor who has actually completed med school?
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @tiff_tiff Yeah true not a great time to be deficient 😅
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @lovelikeyou Red meat too right? I’ve actually been craving that for the last 3 months And also I’ve been craving vegetables which is really unusual for me lol
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    I just got my blood work back and I’m deficient in iron and vitamin d. Vigorous exercise lowers iron levels and my family has a history of skin cancer so I’ve been staying out of the sun/wearing tons of sunscreen for awhile now. I’ve felt pretty awful lately so I went to see my doctor who...