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    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @p77cf If you do t go to work til 4pm, why force yourself to go to the 7 am class. Just go to a late morning or early afternoon.
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    6.5 years of CF. I've hit a plateau. Is it reasonable to expect to continue to improve?

    @mikelore At your age I would personally be happy to maintain what sounds like a very good fitness level. Hoping to still be working out 6 days a week at your age! To bring up sets of wall balls and build muscular endurance you could start adding in extra sessions of emoms. Either 10 minutes...
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    Big guy wanting to get less big

    @afirstbornson No the a terrible idea. If no gym access at all
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    Big guy wanting to get less big

    @brian7377 I think this is an amazing you tube little video series about healthy eating You don’t have to kill yourself in the gym just to lose weight… but adding some fort of resistance training to a...
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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @aachen_hexagon One of the biggest benefits of zone 2 is that it is less systemically fatiguing allowing you to do more overall work. You can still improve cardio and fitness doing zone3 etc. the thing with moving at race pace all the time is that your going to feel more beat up from those...
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    Fat and Out of Shape Firefighter Update

    @melkrampas Diet fatigue is a real thing. Somewhat psychological also but to avoid this consider a maintenance phase and up your calories a tad. With an increase in calories you may hold a little more water but I wouldn’t be concerned unless you go over 212 or so then in 1-3 months start another...
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    Women’s vs men’s barbell

    @truthtellah Buy your own bar and leave it at the gym. Many gyms I’ve been to have an area for personal bars
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    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @vivekanandshastri Shoot for 245 see how you look/feel then reevaluate. It’s 90% diet
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    Am I doing too much?

    @thex Before you completely change direction take a deload and see if you have some fitness under the hood that is being masked by the extreme fatigue. For you that would probably be keeping in the zone 2 sessions, and run through all your strength movements at your current weight but cut your...