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  1. J

    First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

    @pureinheart Haha. No, nothing sleazy intended haha
  2. J

    First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

    @mphsmom Oh I see. OK, if youre already playing sports then a lot of what I said is by the by. Still worth taking it slowly to begin with as a different style of exercise can lead to injury if you try too fast too early. As for food, I have to admit I'm not the most knowledgeable on the details...
  3. J

    First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

    @mphsmom It's never a bad idea. I'm guessing you want to bulk up but to do that you essentially need to get your muscles to wake up and be ready for that first. If you go straight in with lifting to try and get gains then your blood flow to the muscles won't be there, your muscles won't be used...
  4. J

    First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

    @mphsmom Good job on getting up the motivation to start. To begin with understand that your body will meed to get used to exercise. Start with some basic cardio stuff, and maybe some work on groups of muscles working together - so instead of bicep curls thing about large full arm chest and...