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  1. E

    What does r/fitness not understand about CrossFit?

    @gmeyerarr Or when some beautiful woman is crowned “Miss Universe” 😂
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    NoBull's new film - not.... great

    @blast0102 my goodness that was boring
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    2019 subreddit CrossFit Games Fantasy

    @cgibs27214 if you start typing the name that you are looking for it scrolls to it
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    North America West Semifinal Day 1 Discussion Thread

    @fifyuvogni It's so silly to me. I realize that last weekend they had 2 competition floors so it may have been difficult to move equipment and broadcast to the other areas, but if it's not set up on 2 different areas this weekend, why go out of their way to not show it?
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    2019 subreddit CrossFit Games Fantasy

    @britebore oooh i so hope you are right
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    2019 subreddit CrossFit Games Fantasy

    @mixedupnicely oh no @luciddreamer is doing RESEARCH...we're in trouble y'all....she's taking the W