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  1. C

    What’s your favorite physical activity?

    @g3ntl3w4rri0r I do circuit weight training at home 3 days a week. I work my way up to 12 exercises, 20 reps each, repeat 5x, then I add more weight. Currently on 10 reps for each exercise, adding 2 reps each week. Cycling: goal is 2 hours 3 days/week at 12mph or more. Sadly, weather has not...
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    I don’t know wtf I’m doing

    @irishamerican4christ I do great value maple and brown sugar oatmeal packets 🤣 I switched to buying it in bulk for a while and it didn’t keep me full as long or satisfy my sweet tooth.
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    I don’t know wtf I’m doing

    @joyfullyobey You’re very welcome! I’ve also never gone to a gym, I do bodyweight or strength training in a circuit and keep my heart rate up. So 3-5 sets of 9 different exercises (abs, arms, legs repeated 3x) and I shoot for 20 reps a piece.
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    At home workouts

    @skymarie 36F and I’ve never been inside a gym. I stick with circuit training workouts at home, cycling, and daily walks (eventually interval sprints, but it’s a slow build-up)
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @annamoon720 I’m sorry, I do not. I’ve weight lifted, but I’ve never had to worry about putting on muscle, I tend to build it easily.
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    Plateau and Gaining on Reverse Diet

    @didyousaysomething Get consistent with your weight lifting and movement. I use a habit tracker and have a bare minimum rule of 2 strength workouts/wk.
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    I don’t know wtf I’m doing

    @joyfullyobey As a 5’2F on a 1300-1500 calorie diet, the processed food and higher fat items in your list stand out to me. The half & half, cereal, breakfast bar, guac/hummus, and crackers aren’t the best choices even if they’re marketed as healthy. They don’t give you a lot of bang for your...
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @annamoon720 Yes, but if you want to put on muscle you have to eat more, but if you want to lose fat you need to eat less. Essentially you’re doing both half a**; losing weight slowly or staying the same and building muscle slowly. I’ve read a lot of articles about how it’s better to cut then...
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    I’ve started exercising for 2 weeks but have weighed more than ever?

    @pemuoi96 When you start exercising your body starts creating more blood and retaining more water for recovery. I went up 5lbs the first week but didn’t change size. Even this week, I was finally able to bike outside after 3 weeks of bad weather, I weighed 146.8 immediately after, now I’m in the...
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    36M 5’5/5’6 207-ish lbs need help getting started

    @annamoon720 I personally know that I do better starting with diet and losing a majority of my excess weight before starting weight training, but I’m female. When I’ve tried to recomp, the evidence of change is less obvious and I get distracted.
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    Nothing is working

    @warlord4747 I’m 5’2 and it’s normal for me to gain weight quickly when I’m inactive. My vices are alcohol, ordering out, and pizza. I had to get really honest with myself to drop weight and it’s still a work in progress. I’m only down 9 pounds in 3 months but something is better than nothing.
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    How could I possibly eat less and exercise a sh*t ton more, and actually gain weight??

    @youngwolf I recently discovered that between water retention and more blood being created for my heavy workouts, I’m the same size as I was AT 10 POUNDS SMALLER. Do not underestimate the internal compensation that your body is doing, the scale only tells part of the story. I have been workout...
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    Can’t slim arms (they get bulkier) 😫

    @kwellham It sounds like you are doing all the right things, you just have more weight to lose. I also struggle with bulkier arms (ex gymnast) and I still strength train, but I pick and choose what arm moves I do. My arms look cut at a lower weight, but once I gain weight they just look big. I...
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    Calorie deficit and gym 3-4 times a week and not losing weight?

    @thomasjh Have you done photos, measurements, or tried on a pair of jeans (any clothes with minimal stretch that you know used to be tight)? I’ve been on a very similar program to you and I started Feb. 12 at 148 (I took photos), 3 weeks in I was at 152 (par for the course with new exercise)...
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    When I exercise, I don’t lose weight. But when I stop exercising and just eat less, I lose weight

    @woollybear I strength train and exercise but don’t worry about food or protein. The closest I get is I don’t eat processed food and make sure I include fruit and vegetables. I’m still very muscular and my body shape does change with the work I’m putting in. I exercise so I can be physically...
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    Weight lifting makes me irritable (but running doesn’t)

    @hopeeternal Yeah, I get something similar to a runners high with the circuit training, but it’s not for everyone. Good luck!!
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    Weight lifting makes me irritable (but running doesn’t)

    @hopeeternal You don’t have to force yourself to do weight lifting. What works for me is pushing myself hard and doing circuit training. I go none stop for an hour. I pick 12 exercises, start around 12 reps and do 5 sets. I work my way up to 20 reps, then do harder exercises or add weight...
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @didyousaysomething Sometimes forcing yourself to eat regularly can jumpstart things. There’s a British show called “supersize vs Superskinny” that has a great perspective about people who eat on the edges of the bell curve. It’s a little tongue in cheek, but I love that it shines a light on...
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    Caroline Girvan fans: do you add in cardio?

    @lpt It’s a difficult thing to let go of. I find I do best when I track my workout consistency now vs. body metrics. Good luck!
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @didyousaysomething Feeling good is a priority over everything else. Throw out any preconceived notions about how you should eat, focus on things that aren’t processed for a majority of your food, and put your attention to how you feel. I have found that I personally prefer a high carb diet...