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  1. T

    Should I cut or recomp? Or continue to bulk?

    @stratton609 I can walk. But it's a massive limp. I basically have no knee in my left leg, and left leg is twisted and poking out at a 25 degree angle. Just super hesitant to do anything with it, since it gives way, and I stumble and trip, when I walk.
  2. T

    Should I cut or recomp? Or continue to bulk?

    @stratton609 My legs are basically not functioning. Had several dozen surgeries.
  3. T

    Should I cut or recomp? Or continue to bulk?

    @buriedalivebornagain My knees are completely shot. Super hesitant to do anything with my legs.
  4. T

    Should I cut or recomp? Or continue to bulk?

    @buriedalivebornagain Ideally I'd like to be a lot thinner, but have an ''athletic'' physique. Think of your average swimmer. Decent muscle mass but also small. I'm somewhere in-between that now.
  5. T

    Should I cut or recomp? Or continue to bulk?

    I'm 5'6 1/2 and 150 lbs. Been bulking on and off and training for a year now. I am wanting to cut as my BMI is high, but not sure if it's the best idea. What would you recommend? I also have a lot of extra skin on my stomach, since I was once 180lbs. I know I'll never lose that extra skin, but I...